Everyone Belongs at Centralia Church of the Nazarene
Children’s Ministry
CNAZ offers programs for kids who are 6 weeks old through 5th grade. If you attend in person, our friendly greeters will show you where our kids ministry area is when you arrive. We will meet your family, check your child into class, and answer any questions you may have. We have children’s church during the 10:30 worship hour, and of course, nursery care for the tiniest babies.
Youth Group
CNAZ Youth has a weekly gathering geared toward students who have a hunger and a passion to dig deeper into God’s word. We also have events to gather, have fun, and grow closer to Jesus!
Wed nights: 6:30-7:30 pm - message with discussion, games and fellowship
Sun mornings: 9:15-9:45 - a deeper dive into Wednesday’s lesson
The worship ministry at CNAZ is vital for connecting with God through music and praise. Every Sunday morning, our dedicated team rehearses before the service to create a meaningful worship experience. Join us to feel God's presence and express our love and gratitude through heartfelt songs and praise.
If you’re interested in joining the Worship Choir or worship band, please contact Pastor Tiffany. Click the button below to see the upcoming Choir songs.
Worship Ministries
Small Groups
At CNAZ, we take moving in the direction of Jesus (discipleship) seriously. We have a variety of small group opportunities throughout the month for you to find community and pursue Jesus! We have groups for all ages, some are focused on Bible study or prayer, some are based on books, others are just to have fun! listed below are our regular ongoing groups:
Senior Gathering: First Wednesday of every month, 11AM themed potluck and fellowship. Contact Pastor Matt.
Women’s Ministries: Bible Study
Mondays 6-8PM in the Library
Tuesdays 9-11:30AM in the Women’s Ministries Room, we begin with some chat time and the study starts at 9:30
Contact Church Office
Men’s Ministries: Studies
Tuesday mornings, 7:00-8:00 am at the Ministry House
Contact Church Office
SUNDAY SCHOOL: 9AM in the Office Lobby on Sunday morning for adults of all ages.
CNAZ KIDS: 3YRS to 5th Grade—Downstairs during the message on Sunday mornings.
CNAZ YOUTH: Wednesdays from 6:00-7:00PM and Sunday mornings 9:15-9:45AM, both meet downstairs.
SENIORS: Potluck and Fellowship—First Wed of every month at 11AM in the chapel.
WOMEN: Bible Studies—Monday Evenings, 6:00-8:00 pm in the Library and Tuesday mornings, 9:00-11:30 am in the Women’s Ministries Room.
MEN: Studies - Tuesday mornings, 7:00-8:00 am at the Ministry House or Wednesday evenings, 5:30 pm in the Office Lobby.