We Can’t Wait to Meet You!
In Person or Online
Sunday School: 9:00AM
Service: 10:30AM
We Can’t Wait to Meet YOU!
If you're going to participate in-person, check out this map to see where we're located. We can't wait to meet you!
Joining us online? Join from anywhere. Your living room, your car, your grandma's house. No matter where you are, you can participate in Centralia Church of the Nazarene!
Stay Connected by signing up for our eNewsletter.
Have kids? No worries, we've got you covered. CNAZ offers programs for kids who are 6 weeks old through 6th grade. If you attend in person, our friendly greeters will show you where our kids ministry area is when you arrive. We will meet your family, check your child into class, and answer any questions you may have. We have children’s church during the 10:30 worship hour, and of course nursery care for the tiniest babies. We also value the safety of your kids and train all of our leaders involved in children’s and youth ministry in the Ministry Safe program. We can't wait to welcome your family to our church!
Sunday School
Sunday school holds significant value in nurturing spiritual growth and fostering a deeper understanding of faith. At CNAZ, we recognize the importance of Sunday school as a key component of our ministry. That's why we are delighted to offer a dedicated Sunday School class every week at 9:00 AM in the office lobby, specifically designed for adults of all ages. This class provides a nurturing environment where individuals can engage in meaningful discussions, study the Bible together, and explore relevant topics that impact their lives. It's an opportunity for adults to connect with one another, strengthen their faith, and grow in their relationship with God. Join us for this enriching Sunday School experience, as we embark on a journey of spiritual discovery and transformation together.

Test Drive a Worship Service!
Before you join us, take an online service for a test drive! Check out the music, listen to the announcements, hear a sermon!