See What’s New at Centralia Church of the Nazarene

Ash Wednesday
A time of contemplative prayer followed by the imposition of ashes. All are welcome.
Senior Gathering
A potluck gathering for our senior adults. Please contact the church office for more information.

New York New Year
Come ring in the New Year with us! Bring games and snacks to share. This is a family friendly event - we’ll play and hang out until it is time to watch the ball drop in Times Square.

Christmas Eve’s Eve
Join us as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child. This family friendly celebration will be on December 23. It will include our children’s presentation and conclude with candlelight.
6:00 pm - cider, s’mores and photo booth in the foyer
6:30 pm - service in the worship center

Women’s Christmas Tea
Women of all ages are invited to this festive event. We will eat, craft, and listen to Kayla share from her own journey. Bring a snack and $5.

Thankful Bunch Brunch
Come enjoy a meal as we reflect on the goodness of God and what he is accomplishing in our church and lives.

CNaz Kids Wreath Making
Kids - come learn how to make a wreath that you can take home or donate to a fundraiser for Kid’s Camp. All materials are provided.

Trunk or Treat
Our Trunk or Treat event will happen in the upper parking lot of the church at 1119 W First Street in Centralia. We invite community members to bring their children for goodies and fun!

It’s a crockpot potluck! Bring your favorite crockpot meal with you to church that day and plug it in to keep warm. After service, we will meet in the chapel to eat and chat.

Guys Golf
An event for our men. Meet at Riverside Golf Club at 11:00 am. $60 includes 18 holes of golf, cart rental, practice balls and a meal.

Cnaz Kids at the Pumpkin Patch
Families are invited to join us for an afternoon of fun in the pumpkin patch located at 518 Goodrich Road in Centralia. There is no charge unless you buy a pumpkin. Hope to see you there!

Serve Day
Our congregation will worship through service to our community this morning. For those with limited mobility, there will be a service project provided at the church during our normal worship time.

First Friday
Come on out to the barn for food, fun and fellowship! We will have a lasagna dinner - donations will be accepted. Please bring a drink or dessert to share and your camp chair.

Pastor Mark Pizza Meet & Greet
All students and parents are invited to meet our Youth Pastor candidate. Come hear his heart for God and youth. Pizza will be provided.
What A Mess VBS!
Join us at Borst Park, 10:00 am-12:00 pm in the shelter by the playground. The theme for the series is 'What A Mess!' We will have fun playing games, listening to a Bible story and doing messy crafts.

First Friday
Come on out to the barn for food, fun and fellowship! There will be a Slip and Slide for all ages. Bring your own meat to grill and a side or dessert to share.
Youth Group BBQ
BBQ at the Leopold’s place (20033 Sunrose Lane SW in Centralia). Join us for food and fun!

All Church River Float
Everyone is invited to join us for a lazy afternoon in the river. Meet at the church to carpool to the launch site. Bring your own innertube, kayak, floatie, etc. We will leave the church at 1:00 pm. Please let Tiffany or the office know if you are coming so we plan enough transportation.
What A Mess VBS!
Join us at Borst Park, 10:00 am-12:00 pm in the shelter by the playground. The theme for the series is 'What A Mess!' We will have fun playing games, listening to a Bible story and doing messy crafts.

Morning Meet Up
Open to everyone, this no-host time is an opportunity to get to know each other better. This month, we will meet at Centerville Cafe located at 111 N Tower in Centralia. Come have your coffee or even breakfast while you chat!
What A Mess VBS!
Join us at Borst Park, 10:00 am-12:00 pm in the shelter by the playground. The theme for the series is 'What A Mess!' We will have fun playing games, listening to a Bible story and doing messy crafts.
Independence Day Celebration
Meet us in the church parking lot after the Centralia parade! We’ll have games and fireworks. Bring your favorite dip or dessert to share. This will stand-in for First Friday this month.

Splash and Play - Centralia
The Centralia splash pad has been reopened so we are moving our event back to that venue. Join us for an afternoon of water play in the sunshine!

Youth Group Hike - Cancelled
This event has had to be cancelled. Please check back for more upcoming events.
Youth Group BBQ
The youth group kids are all invited to the Trent’s. Come hang out and enjoy a summer barbeque!
Senior Gathering
A potluck gathering for our senior adults. This month, we will be having lasagna. Please bring a side dish to share.

Block Party
This free event is open to the whole community and will take place in our parking lot. There will be games, activities and food. Come join the fun!

CNaz Kids Fun Zone
Calling all kids! Come hang out with your friends at our Fun Zone. Bring a friend and a snack to share!

Easter Sunday Service
Come celebrate the completion of our salvation! We would love to have you join us.